
self eveluation (3d animation)

At first, I am really worry about my project because I haven't use 3d max before, so I have no idea what I can draw.  That's why I went to university everyday and try to use this software.

I also started to create my villain and the environment for him.
My villain was a science professor that got infection by some rare bacteria. And his superpower is that he can change his body to any size (even the size of bacteria). For some reasons, his enemy is superman.
Therefore, I started to create the first room, which is a laboratory.

My whole 3d environment structure has almost planned and created.
I am really pleased that I can make such a cool environment, as it’s just the first time that I tried to make 3d animation.
I think the time management is really important in this project, as you still have to save some time for rendering! And mine took 9 hours.
But I think my time management is quite good this time. As my Mac book couldn't use 3d max, so I have to go to Waverley everyday to work on my project. That makes me really concentrated in this project.
Though I think I still got lots of things to learn and 3d max is quite difficult software, I still think I'm going to choose animation next year!

My main ideas and intentions that I was trying to express in the project were how I can express my idea through my animation and how I can enhance my problem solving skills.

The methods I use to develop my ideas were brainstorming, research from books and movies. Also I did sketching and discussing with other courses friends.

Some of the unexpected problems I had to solve while working were the first time using 3d max software that really make me frightened. And I had problems with the camera tracking and problem that editing the (foot step) sound to match my animation.

The decisions and choices I made to help solve these problems were gone to university every day to explore the software in the first two weeks.
Besides, I learnt some modifier skills through books and Andy’s tutorials, which was really useful.

The things I have learnt from this particular project were time management. When I do my projects before, I usually leave everything to the last minute.
But this time, I really manage it really well, as I finished my animation in the 4th week, then I got time to do my project book and sketches.

Areas for improvement, If I were to do this project again I would change or do differently was the camera tracking, as I really hate the camera editing in 3d max. Though I think I had done my best this time.

A new project that might grow out of my experience maybe character design. I think create a character design will be really exciting because I can create the personality and everything about the character.
Here are some pictures from my project book.


week 4 3d animation

My whole 3d environment structure has almost planned and created.
I am really pleased that I can make such a cool environment as it's just the first time that I tried to make 3d  animation.
I think the time management is really important in this project as you still have to save some time for rendering! (and mine takes 9 hours!!!)
But I think my time management is quite good this time. As my macbook couldn't use 3d max, So I have to go to waverly everyday to work on my project. That makes me really concentrated in this project.
Though I think I still got lots of things to learn and 3d max is a quite difficult software, I still think I'm going to choose animation next year!
Here are my render pictures.

week 3 3d animation

This week we tried to create super hero/villain by the idea of animals.
And then I think of octopus, then I drew something like a octopus kind of human.

I also started to create my villain and the environment for him.
My villain was a science professor that got infection by some rare bacteria. And his superpower is that he can change his body to any size (even the size of bacteria). For some reasons, his enemy is superman.
Therefore, I started to create the first room which is a laboratory.

week 2 3D animation

As I'm really worry about my project because I haven't use 3d max before, so I have no idea what I can draw.  That's why I went to uni everyday and try to use this software.
Here are some pictures that I tried to draw in this week.

week 1 animation (sketchings)

This is the first week of our 3d animation project.

We were asked to sketch different kind of characters and exchanged to others then draw a totally different character.
I think it's kind of like brain storming by sketching everything. Personally, I think this was quite fun because at the end we can all create a different character.