
Client project: week 16 Chrarcter finished blend shapes+rigged+ineractive skin edit

I finished blend shapes+rigged+interactive skin edit finally and started to animate it.

At first, I found that it's really weird when I edit blend shape with the mouth. It was really not natural at all. So I kept trying and correcting and get the second result finally.

 Other blend shapes:

 I add a simple eye controller for him too.

I am trying to add the depth of field to it but don't know why it's not working. I will keep experiment it later.

Animated test for 3 sec.


Client project: week 15 Chrarcter unwrap + paint in mudbox + blend shapes

After done the hair last Thursday, I modeled the hat and his clothes. And start to do the unwrapping in maya.

I'm quite exciting to paint it in mudbox as I really enjoyed it.

I was trying to paint the projection of a feather on the model, but I found out that the result is not that good. Therefore, I created some illustration in photoshop and re-imported in mudbox. 

The final textured of my little Robin Hood.

I also tried to use the light settings in mudbox, the above one is using Gallery mode which I love the most.
I experiment the light settings in mudbox to have different tone on my character.
This is the soft light mode:

For the eyes:
I modeled the eyes in maya and then painted them in mudbox.
I tried to use blue and brown colour and I decided to use the brown one because it is more suitable for my character.
 When I duplicate the eye and fit them into my character, it is finally complete!
I think I will need to figure out how to use the lighting set up in maya soon.
I'm going to do blend shapes and rig it soon..
Here's the result in maya:

I'm currently working on blend shapes..
